convention is not restructuring (although plenty of that is going on).
What matters about this convention is not the future of the seminaries
(although it is being discussed). What matters about this convention
is not the presidential election of the election of other officers
(although those seem to have gone rather well thus far).
What really matters is the proclamation of God's Word and the joyous
peace we have in Christ because of His gift of salvation. During our
afternoon session today we held a memorial service for those who have
entered eternal rest since the publication of the Convention Workbook
three years ago. On those pages listing the names of these servant of
the Lord, we saw represented over 15,000 years of experience and
service to our loving God and on behalf of the lost and erring. I knew
several of those on that list. I remember their blessing in my own
life, how even in friendship they fed me with the Word of God.
Let us be ever mindful that the span of our lives are but a mere
breath in the timline of the universe. Let us not think that our own
efforts will amount to anything. "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity,"
cries the Preacher. Our deeds fade and fall away. Let us fix our eyes
on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who never fades or
fails. Jesus our Savior gives us His gift of life eternal and speaks
to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant." It is His working
through the church... it is HIS working that really matters.