Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our First Day of "Business"

Today was our first day of actual "business." I put "business" in
quotes because other than the organizing events, we listened to
presentations all day.

One note of excitement, though. The convention came very close to
doing what has never been accomplished in the past - moving the
presidential election. Historically, the election of president has
come in the first session - usually immediately before or after the
Presidential Address. When I say usually, I mean out of 64 synodical
conventions, only 4 or 5 of them have had the presidential election at
a different time (including all three conventions chaired by our
current President). Robert's Rules of Order also states it is
preferred to hold the elections first.

Most delegates will just normally go along with the agenda published
by the chair. The motion to change the agenda lost by 36 votes. There
has never been a vote that close ever before!

As mentioned before, we heard a lot of presentation on the
Restructuring Proposals. We already heard a lot on the Restructuring
Proposals. We're going to hear a lot more on the Restructuring
Proposals, but hopefully we will start voting on actual resolutions